Archives for June 2019 | 10 MGJ Devotional Podcast

Episode 38: Food

The nutrient that appears to be missing in the lives of those who hunger is a willingness to embrace the Word at the Beginning with God. Read Devotional …

Episode 37: Wells

The image of a man sitting beside a well waiting for a drink of water is so dominant in the Old Testament that taking time to examine the fuller meaning of this scenario proves beneficial. Read Devotional …

Episode 36: Thirst

Jesus indicates on three occasions in this Gospel that he is the one, the only one, who can satisfy our thirst for God. His water is the life-giving water which quenches this thirst for all the ages. Read Devotional …

Episode 35: Jerusalem

Jerusalem represents the beachhead for God’s invasion to renew and restore his kingdom for all nations of the world. Read Devotional …