Stan Harstine, Ph.D.

Biblical Perspectives on Pressing Matters

Harlotry and Idolatry Sound Alot Alike

“Harlotry” sounds like Idolatry to me

Originally Published 10/12/2009

Well, another day in the world of Davis 301 and the Minor Prophets. Today's topic, Micah! After being pummeled by Hosea and his wife Gomer (i.e., STOP!) and the apparent sexual immorality of the whole book (not! but significant 13 times with Harlot alone), it was a relief to move to Amos, (only once). But here we are again in Micah and the first thing you know we're talking about harlot wages and idols.

WHAT do these guys have against the world's oldest profession?? Then I tried to use a very strange word for my class, misogyny. Are these Minor Prophets really against sex for money?

Well, while that is entirely possible, it probably misses the point entirely! What they are definitely against is idolatry in its various forms. What an amazing business the craftsmen must have had in forging, carving, or sculpting these objects of worship!! And how did they market their wares? Did they advertise? Did they have obnoxious salesmen hawking their products in the marketplace? Was it a black-market operation?

None of these questions really matter at all. What does matter is that if the LORD was against idolatry in 750 B.C.E., then there is a good chance that opinion hasn't changed!

The question is, what idols are being made from harlot wages today?

Updated January 31, 2021