Stan Harstine, Ph.D.

Biblical Perspectives on Pressing Matters

Basics of Biblical Interpretation Part Five

Basics of Biblical Interpretation - 5

Originally published 7/18/2012

Having finished reading, asking questions, reading again and seeking answers the question remains, "what next?" The next part is fairly simple . . .

BBI Part Five: Share
Biblical interpretation is not a solo adventure. The Bible is a community text and its interpretation is no less a part of the community. Having read the text and found solutions to some of the questions, the next step is to begin to share with others what you are beginning to "sense" the text to mean. Interpretation that is shared can be challenged and challenge is good for several reasons. The first reason is that sharing forces the interpreter to voice the thoughts that are germinating in the brain cells. This becomes the first part of interpretation, actually voicing the interaction between human and text.

A second reason is that interpretations that may need information to clarify can enter that process. Often times an initial "sense" of the text withers when brought to a shared light. The interpreter is faced with actually assessing the validity of their own interpretation. While others may disagree with this opportunity, not every interpretation of the Bible can be called biblical. This often has to due with the process of finding interpretations that are not at odds with the larger text. It is far too easy to remove a passage from the larger context and identify an interpretation that is at odds when seen in the larger context.

Finally, it is necessary for North American readers to realize that the Bible and biblical interpretation have a history that is more than a few centuries old. The interpretations from the 5th century shape the interpretations of the 15th century. These interpretations shape, whether recognized or not, those of the 21st century. Seldom is an interpretation novel. What becomes novel is the way that the interpretation takes life in the particular interpreter. But that is for another part.

Updated January 31, 2021