Conversations in the Gospel of John

Meet your two hosts for Conversations in the Gospel of John.

About Stan Harstine

Stan earned his PhD from Baylor University in 1999 under the supervision of Dr. Charles H. Talbert. He lectured at Baylor University before being appointed to the Faculty of Friends University in 2002. In addition to three books on the Gospel of John, Stan has served as the short book review editor for the area of Christian Origins as well as for the Johannine Literature section in the journal Religious Studies Review. You can learn more about the academic work of Stan at his website, In addition to his academic and professional work, Stan often fills a pulpit in his home town when the pastors are gone and teaches workshops on various topics around the state.

About Douglas Estes

Douglas earned his PhD from the University of Nottingham in 2006 under the supervision of Dr. Richard H. Bell. He pastored for sixteen years, served as faculty at South University in their DMin program and is now on Faculty at the New College of Florida. He is the editor of Didaktikos, and has written or edited twelve books and published more than fifty essays in the areas of biblical studies, ministry, and technology. You can learn more about the academic work of Douglas at his website,
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Updated June 15, 2024