Reclaiming the Gospel: Proclaiming the Good News of God in Romans is a study on Paul's Letter to the Romans based on the ancient rhetorical model he utilized. It is ideal for college students since I taught a course on Romans over 25 times before writing this book. It is useful in your church if you want to understand "HOW" Paul presents his position in this letter more than "WHAT" doctrine is Paul teaching. You can find it for Apple Books or in paperback or for Kindle.
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This book helps its reader interact with his/her own personal narratives about, and perspectives toward, God’s Good News. The emphasis throughout is on understanding the message Paul presents as truly good news. Personal Reflection and Personal Challenge sections at the end of each chapter guide the reader to recognize the relationship between faith and God’s righteousness in his/her own life. The Appendix provides questions to encourage group dialogue. This book presents Romans in a way that a modern reader will more clearly understand how Paul presents his message as Good News.